Amazing how he was spot on.
Category: Life
Simple rules for clear communication!
Two link below that I enjoy reminding myself of their message every now and then. Wear Sunscreen, which has also been turned into a song…
I was recently listening to a podcast where Seth Godin was the guest and he talked about the importance of blogging one article a day.…
Lots has been written on this movie, which I would recommend you check out. A key takeaway from my perspective was how Mr. Rodgers recognized TV…
Words from an a Navy Seal. Thanks to all who served, let’s remember every one of them today and every day.
Keeping a list, will be constantly updated: “Is the pool cold? Depends which end you jump in!” [much deeper than it appears on the surface…
My favorite part is his advice to his daughters around 32 minutes in, here is it roughly: How do you thrive in this new…